Wednesday, November 16, 2011



Abilify is an anti psychotic injectable drug that is used for the prevention of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

What is it used for?

Abilify is an anti psychotic injectable drug that is used for the prevention and treatment of schizophrenia and certain symptoms of bipolar disorder.

How do I use it?

Please ask your doctor and make a note of the dosage instructions clearly. In case your doctor has not given you dosage instructions, then check the medicine label. These usually have pretty detailed instructions that may be followed.

Abilify is usually an injection that is administered at your doctors or nurse’s office. If you wish to administer it yourself, then learn the procedure in detail from your doctor or nurse.

It is an intra muscular injection that needs to be given deep into the muscle. Do not inject it into a vein or the skin.

If you find that the vial is broken, has particles or appears cloudy then you must not use it.

The product, syringes and needles must be stored and disposed according to local laws.

One of the most important aspects of a medication schedule is that you must follow it religiously. Do not stop it midway even if you experience relief without seeking prior advice from your doctor.

What if I miss a dose?

Writing down your dosage schedule on a piece of paper and keeping it in a place where you can see it every day is one of the best ways to avoid missing a dose.

But in the rare case that you miss a dose, contact your doctor immediately to ask for instructions.

Do not double up or take two doses together to make up for the missed dose. It may have certain adverse effects.

Drug Class and Mechanism

Abilify is an anti psychotic, the exact working of which is unknown.

How do I store Abilify?

Abilify must be stored in the original container that it came in at room temperature. Occasional storage at temperatures lower than room temperature may be permitted. You can read the medicine label for more information on storage.

One thing that you must be careful about is to store it in a cool dark place that is well protected from direct sunlight and/or moisture.

What if I overdose on Abilify?

You must immediately contact an emergency poison control center if you suspect an overdose.
Safety Information/ Warning Precautions

When your physician or doctor prescribes any new medication or drug, your complete medical history must be discussed in detail. This will help him rule out any therapy that may cause an unwanted reaction.

Please mention to him any medication (both over the counter as well as prescription drugs) that you are currently using or have used in the near past. This should include vitamins if any, herbal supplements or minerals.

Is there any reason to avoid Abilify?

You must avoid using Abilify if it you are allergic to any ingredient in it.

Are there any risks while using Abilify?

Yes. At times, your dosage might require monitoring or altering especially if you have allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances, if you have a history of heart problems (eg, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, recent heart attack), low blood pressure, blood vessel problems, or stroke, if you have a history of seizures, dementia, Alzheimer disease, depression or other mental/mood disorders, or suicidal thoughts or attempts, if you have trouble swallowing or a history of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), if you are dehydrated, have low blood volume, or are taking medicine for high blood pressure, if you or a family member has a history of diabetes or you are very overweight.

Are there any medical interactions?

Certain drugs may interact with Abilify. Each of these drugs may have different interactions and effects that range from an increase in the side effects of these drugs themselves or a reduction in the effect of Abilify and more. These include Anticholinergics (eg, benztropine, methscopolamine), Benzodiazepines (eg, lorazepam), imidazole antifungals (eg, ketoconazole), quinidine, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (eg, fluoxetine), or voriconazole, Carbamazepine, hydantoins (eg, phenytoin), or rifampin, Alpha-blockers (eg, terazosin).

Pregnancy and Abilify

If you are pregnant already or are planning to become pregnant, then contact your doctor and discuss the potential risks to the baby. It is not clear whether Abilify is found in breast milk. Discuss this with your doctor as well.

Side Effects

It is not uncommon for patients to experience certain side effects when starting therapy with a new drug. So, you may experience some common side effects like abnormal dreams; blurred vision; constipation; dizziness; drowsiness; headache; increased saliva production; lightheadedness; nausea; stomach upset; trouble sleeping; vomiting; weight gain.

But these side effects require no special medical attention and usually go away after some time. In the rare case that they do not subside or start to bother you, contact a doctor.

In some rare cases, some patients are also known to experience certain serious side effects like severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); abnormal thinking; chest pain; confusion; fainting; fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat; fever; increased sweating; increased thirst, urination, or appetite; involuntary movements of the tongue, face, mouth, jaw, arms, legs, or back (eg, puffing of cheeks, puckering of mouth, chewing movements); loss of control over urination; loss of coordination; mental or mood changes (eg, anxiety, depression, hostility); muscle tremor, jerking, or stiffness; one-sided weakness; seizures; severe restlessness; shortness of breath; suicidal thoughts or attempts; swelling of the hands, ankles, or feet; trouble swallowing; trouble walking; unusual bruising; unusual tiredness or weakness; vision or speech changes. Please contact your doctor immediately if you notice any serious side effects.

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